Monday, September 10, 2012

The Stress of Being Pregnant

When I found out I was pregnant I really had no idea bout the amount of warnings and crazy crap that littered the internet. I had no idea that toxoplasmosis existed or what it was, which was scary because the week I found out I was pregnant I was due to get a new kitten. After stressing out like a crazy person I found out I was immune to the parasite having been exposed at an earlier time before pregnancy. Plus your cat can only get it if it goes outside kills an animal who has it and then shits in the kitty litter box in the house, then shedding the parasite over the next few weeks. My kitten has been an indoor cat ever since and had no weird parasite, which after weeks of stressing turns out didn't matter anyway because I was immune.
I did not know you must avoid pretty much every food because it may harm the baby. Although our pregnancy was planned, I had not planned on being confronted with all of these stressors and worries. Many pregnant women may also go through stress and worries in pregnancy or maybe they won't, I discovered that for me personally pregnancy is bloody stressful. I thought it would like movie magic, that the whole time being pregnant would be perfect bliss. Instead for me, because I am a bit of a hypochondriac I tend to worry about every disease and problem out there. Being pregnant has made me more fearful. Throughout the first trimester I had incredible morning sickness, yet I did not vomit. I only vomited  twice. The first time was because I ate a mixture of scrambled eggs, olives, artichokes and who knows what else. It didn't go down too well. The second time I ate canned tomato soup and shortly thereafter I felt so ill and vomited again. Other than that my morning sickness felt more like a my stomach was doing the rinse cycle of a washing machine. Not fun. Below is my very first transvaginal ultrasound to confirm pregnancy, as you can see there is the egg yolk sack, yay confirmed pregnancy.

This is me at about 5 weeks

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